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Love Quote: Staying In Love Or Falling Out Of Love Is A Choice - Très Elite

Love Quote: Staying In Love Or Falling Out Of Love Is A Choice

Falling in love is easy. We meet someone. They make us feel amazing. We can’t wait to see them again. We get to know them a little and we start to fall in love with them. Everything is blissful. Eventually, though, we start to get annoyed by them or find faults in them. Where we go from there is a choice, as the following love quote says so well.

(behappytips) -
Just as this love quote says, I’ve found that love always requires choices.
  • You have to choose to love someone despite their annoying habits.
  • You have to choose to love someone as they are, not as you wish they would be.
  • You have to choose to work on your relationship and connection that is the foundation of your love.
  • You have to choose to make your relationship a priority so you CAN work on your connection with them and make them feel valued.
  • You have to choose to respect them, even after they make mistakes or falter.
It’s all about choices.
The thing is, this love quote applies to fall out of love too! When someone starts to hurt you, abuse you, or make you feel unhappy, you don’t have to choose to love them for it.
  • You can choose to fall out of love with them and move on with your life.
  • You can choose your happiness over a relationship if the relationship no longer makes you happy!
  • You can choose to see the hurtful and unhappy person that you are with.
  • You can choose to see someone for who they really are instead of who you want them to be.
That last one is important! Often times we look past abuse or mistreatment because we choose to see the potential in someone. But, us choosing to see their potential does not mean they will ever live up to it, and choosing happiness right now, over something that may never come to pass, allows you to get out of an unhappy relationship and find someone else to love who will treat you right.
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